Sunday 7 July 2013

pin up girl painting

I know that this isn't really a fashion design, but it is a painting I did a while ago and I just wanted to put it on here :)

Long time no post

As I have said before, all of my designs lately have been on A3 paper and I didn't really know how to scan them in using an A4 scanner. I now know how so here are a couple of my newest designs. Not really inspired by anything in particular.

Thursday 25 April 2013

I haven't uploaded in a while.

I haven't uploaded in a while because all of the recent designs I have done are on A3 paper which is more difficult to scan into the computer using and A4 scanner. there wasn't really any inspiration for this design  I just drew and this was the end result. Unfortunately, I don't really take all that good care of my drawings so this one was under a layer of random stuff on my desk hence why it looks all crinkled.

Friday 5 April 2013

Bored at my grandpa's house.

Just as the title says, I was bored at my grandpa's house. Every Monday night we have dinner with my grandpa. On this one occasion well, there was probably more than one but who counts? Anyway, I had completely zoned out of my grandpa and parents conversation (they are very hard to keep track in given that I have no idea what they are talking about) and my mum got all snappy at me when i started to play games on my iPod, so i decided the best thing to do was to draw. She couldn't get snappy at me for that given that she is an art freak herself. 
 These are the results-not that great given i was drawing in pen and of course they had to be long gowns, saves me having to bother drawing legs.

Saturday 9 March 2013

To the Batmobile!

There are only three words needed...TO THE BATMOBILE! Of course, this is a swimsuit based on Batman. How could I not do one inspired by batman? He is the most commonly known superhero in history!

Thursday 7 March 2013

Green Arrow.

This Design is based on Green Arrow, and I quite like the illustration and design. The only annoyance is that i put so many layers of Copic marker on there that the paper has began to wrinkle which gives the illusion that the legs are stripey.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Green Lantern.

I stuffed up the face on this one but otherwise, I quite  like the design. If you haven't already guessed, or you haven't read the title, this swimsuit is based on Green Lantern. Hence the green lantern logo.